A Little Bit of This & A Little Bit of That

Monday, July 10, 2006

Lots to do

So, it's Monday again. Did I mention I hate Mondays? Anyways, I spoke with the Social Worker from the Board of Health on Thursday and we have an appt. set up for this Wednesday. She will be coming to the house to meet with me and she has a ton of information that should answer my never ending questions about Lead Poisoning. She seems really nice and I can't wait to meet her. I also received a phone call from the Inspector that is assigned to my area. But I wasn't here when she called, so I will be calling her this morning sometime. I just want this to be over and done with! Get the Lead out! Make Abby better! That's all I ask. Not too much to ask, is it?

So, anyways to get myself to stop freaking out everytime the girls go near a window, I've been trying to get out more lately. Friday afternoon we just hung around outside blowing bubbles and playing ball. My aunt & uncle put a fence up in the backyard so that has made it so much easier for the girls to play outside. No more worrying about them falling off a wall into the neighbor's yard behind us. Here are a few pics of them :)

That is my aunt in the pic with my girls. She would kill me if she knew I posted this - she kept telling me not to take her picture. I told her I could crop her out. Shhh.... don't tell her. Hee, hee - I'm so bad. And I just love this next photo of Emma & Abby pouring bubbles in the bowl. They're just so sweet when they work together to get something done.

So, I thought that getting out more would tire my girls out enough that when it came time to go to bed it would be less craziness. Well, it doesn't work. We were outside for 2 1/2 hours on Friday afternoon and they still freaked out when it was time to go to bed. On Saturday, we took a walk to my parents house after supper and let the girls run around outside in their yard. They had so much fun. We got home around 8:30 pm. The girls had a little snack and Daddy tried putting on their pjs so I could tinkle. God for bid I have to pee right? Abby through a major fit to the point that she vomited all over herself. There's nothing like giving your kid a bath at 9pm. And then total meltdown for both of them! Bedtime is not easy in this house let me tell you. I have not figured out how to settle them down - they turn into wild animals when it's time to go to bed. I lay down with them and try to comfort them as much as possible but it's not enough. They keep getting up and running all over the house crying. The neighbors must think we torture them. It's kind of embarrassing. I just can't figure out what else to do. I hate bedtime. I try to read them stories - nope they don't care to sit still and listen. It just got to the point that I let them watch t.v. in my bed. When they fall asleep, we put them in their beds and by 2:30 am, Emma's back in our bed and I'm on the couch with Abby. Last night, I was on the couch with both of them. Needless to say I'm a little sleep deprived. Any suggestions? Abby was running a fever all day yesterday and was up on & off all night. Thankfully she didn't seem to bother Emma even though we were all in the same room. This morning her temp was 103. She's not eating well, but other than that and being a tad cranky, there's nothing else wrong. I hope she's just getting a tooth or something. I need to catch up on laundry and cleaning today. Would like my house to not look like a tornado hit it when the Social Worker comes Wednesday. So, I'm off to do some chores and hopefully Abby will start feeling better today. She's taking another cat nap right now. I wish I was too :(


Blogger CathySandy said...

that is really funny about the mentos and diet coke

1:01 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

I hope you get some answers girl--- I would be freakin out too!!


12:31 PM  

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