A Little Bit of This & A Little Bit of That

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter Review

The girls were so excited Easter Morning when they saw that the Easter Bunny left them a basket of goodies. I'm really starting to enjoy the holidays now that they're old enough to enjoy them w/ me. We spent the morning playing w/ their new little toys and of course I had to make 10lbs of potatoes for dinner. Luckily I peeled & cut them the night before :) Unfortunately it was pretty darn cold out and Rob argued w/ me about the girls wearing their Easter dresses. We were going to his sister's house for dinner and she would be having an egg hunt outside later that afternoon. I gave in and found the girls something else to wear - too bad I was way overdressed now, lol! Oh well, they were comfortable in there jeans & sweaters, so that's all that matters I guess. Dinner was delicious! We had a wonderful day there and then headed over to my sister's house for dessert and to see my family. My mom bought the girls the cutest remote control cars - Emma was sooo excited! We hurried up and opened it right away so that she could play w/ it (poor Abby fell asleep on the way there). To our disappointment, the car was attached to the remote by a wire just a couple feet long. WTH? How is she supposed to play w/ it?!!! She basically needed to crawl on the floor w/ it. Now, we know why it was on clearance!!!! Well, stupid me figured out the following day that the wire was supposed to be removed. Duh! Don't throw the box away until you read the directions on it!!!! Anyways, Monday morning I figured it all out - thankfully we had the box for Abby's car and I read it! The girls are just loving the cars and of course there are little dolls & animals that go w/ it. Soooo cute! We had a wonderful Easter - a long day but a great day. So, anyways, we are off this morning to go to some kind of indoor gym - I'm so excited and will definitely fill you in on it later. Until then, enjoy some photos from our Easter Sunday :)

Emma scoping out her basket of goodies.

Abby digging right in.

The girls w/ their Daddy :)

Me & my girls :)

Rob helping the girls find eggs at Auntie Mandy's house.

Abby playing w/ Emma's car (she got the same one). Of course not the best picture of Abby but isn't the car cute? And this was obviously before I figured out how to remove the wire! Lol!


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